Danielle Batiste

Mother, Best Selling Author, Speaker & Advocate
I understand the struggles of being a type 2 diabetic. When first diagnosed I went into denial because it was the easiest thing to do and the safest place to go, so I allowed my glucose levels to get out of control and I
didn’t have a clue on how to handle the dysfunction.
After going through this for a while I realized I can't live like this any more. I was letting the disease win and that’s not
my nature.
I began learning everything on my own and the first thing I did was start was learning my body, how it work and how diabetes was affecting me.
I started paying more attention to what I ate, reading labels, and getting my correct numbers from my doctor.
What I hated most was pricking my finger, and the way I had to live. The biggest thing for me was getting out there and exercising. I lost 40 pounds and that’s when the fighting machine began. I knew then I wanted to help others.

Not Eating Healthy Is
A Death Sentence
There are 3 main types of carbohydrates and they are sugar, starch, and fiber. Also, lets not forget carbohydrates are a macro nutrient found in many food and beverages and carbs get a bad rap they are also a vital to our health for a number of reason such as: providing energy, protecting against disease and controlling weight. So keep this in mind when you think of carbs, but still choose carbs wisely.
Things You Can Eat
Managing diabetes from day to day is up to us. A large part is what we put into our mouth which is a choice we make. You always hear eat more vegetables, but there are some others things you can eat. Try fruit; blueberries, grapefruit, grapes.
I ‘ll also give a few on the whole grain foods: Brown rice, wild rice, quinoa.